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Kent Chamberlin headshotDr. Kent Chamberlin, Past Chair and Professor Emeritus in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of New Hampshire (UNH), serves as President of Environmental Health Trust (EHT). In this capacity, he leads the organization’s efforts to explore and mitigate the health risks associated with modern wireless technologies, drawing on his expertise developed over more than forty years in academia and research.

Dr. Chamberlin earned his PhD in Electrical Engineering from The Ohio University, specializing in navigation and communication system modeling, and has contributed significantly to the fields of computational electromagnetics and radio wave propagation. As a distinguished academic, he has led research supported by more than twenty-five sponsors, including the National Science Foundation (NSF). Chamberlin’s scholarly contributions are highlighted by two prestigious Fulbright awards, including the Fulbright Distinguished Chair. He has served as an Associate Editor for the Institute for Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and he now regularly performs reviews for IEEE and other respected scientific publications.

Dr. Chamberlin became involved in issues relating to EHT as a result of his service on a formal New Hampshire state commission that was tasked with exploring the health and environmental impacts of wireless radiation. That commission, convened through bipartisan legislation and approved by the governor, determined that there were significant harms associated with wireless radiation exposure and made recommendations for ways to protect the public against it. Since serving on the commission, he has been active in carrying out the recommendations of the commission by working with legislators and community groups around the world.

His research has encompassed critical advancements in computational modeling, electromagnetic interference (EMI), and biological signal analysis, directly aligning with EHT’s mission of raising awareness and promoting research on the risks associated with wireless radiation. Dr. Chamberlin also pioneered  the University of New Hampshire’s first online-based learning initiative at UNH, a transformative step in distance education that has expanded access to higher learning.

Dr. Chamberlin has actively served on or chaired more than thirty committees and commissions throughout his academic career, including influential advisory boards and public health commissions, underscoring his extensive commitment to advancing policy in technology, education, and environmental health. As a Senior Life Member of IEEE, he has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals, contributed presentations to major international conferences, and serves as a Special Expert on the International Commission on the Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields (ICBE-EMF). His involvement on advisory boards, such as Chair of the Virtual Learning Academy Charter School Board of Trustees, highlights his dedication to integrating technology and education.

His lifelong dedication to science, public health, and education continues to drive EHT’s mission, informing efforts to reduce public exposure to environmental health hazards and promote safer technologies.

Articles Featuring Dr. Kent Chamberlin

Wireless Safety Concerns

Discover insights from Dr. Kent Chamberlin on mitigating health risks associated with wireless technologies.

Setback Recommendations for Cell Towers

Dr, Chamberlin describes the credible published science on cell tower RFR radiation and why there is a need for a setback between wireless antennas and homes and schools.  

Why Big Telecom Ignores the Science on 5G

Dr. Kent Chamberlin shares his experience working on the New Hampshire 5G Commission, and what he discovered about working with the telecom industry.