Collaborative on Health and the Environment
The Collaborative on Health and the Environment has a working group on electromagnetic fields, and hosts teleconferences featuring leading researchers speaking to topics related to EMF science and health impacts.
You can listen to expert recorded webinars in electromagnetic radiation and join the EMF listserve to stay updated on the science.
Recent Webinars on electromagnetic radiation
- Invisible Hazards: State of the Science on EMF Health Impacts and Next Steps for Policy Change with presentations by Dr. Moskowitz, Dr. Frank Barnes and Dr. De-Kun Li, Senior Research Scientist at the Division of Research, Kaiser Permanente
- Clarifying EMF and Cancer: Precautionary Occupational Strategies and Results of the NTP Cell Phone Studies
- The Ecology of Breast Cancer: Opportunities for Prevention
- Wireless Technology and Public Health: Health and Environmental Hazards in a Wireless World
- The Link Between EMF and Autism? A Conversation with Cindy Sage and Martha Herbert
- Late Lessons from Early Warnings: A Retrospective Look At Learning About Precaution
- Experts Speak on Cell Phone Radiation, Pregnancy and Sperm