News from PhoneGate Alert The ANFR, Frances national frequency agency found the Zebra ET45CA tablet does not comply with European regulatory exposure limits for wireless radiation. France has a robust cell phone and wireless radiation post market testing program....
France pulls cellphone for exceeding smartphone radiation limits
French authorities request withdrawal of a cellphone model from the market for exceeding EU’s smartphone radiation limits.
The Book “Phonegate” in English is Released: The Cell Phone Radiation Test Scandal
Press release from Phonegate website. It is with great pleasure that we announce the release of the English version of the book Phonegate by Dr Marc Arazi. Many thanks to Devra Davis of Environmental Health Trust for prefacing the book and for her support in this...
Think Wireless Technology is Safe? Read the Fine Print Warnings
Think Wireless Technology is Safe? Read the Fine Print Warnings Cell phones wireless and Wi-Fi toys instruct users to keep devices away from the body WASHINGTON, Feb. 3, 2022— The Environmental Health Trust is advising consumers to pay attention to the fine...
List of mobile phones with non-compliant SARs removed or updated in France Phonegate
Phonegate Association Update: List of mobile phones with non-compliant SARs removed or updated in France Phonegate Alert List updated as of October 1, 2020 To date, 24 different mobile phone models have either been withdrawn from the French market or have had...
Razer Phone 2 Recall For High Radiation Levels: PhoneGate
5/20/2020 Yet another cell phone has been pulled from the market after cell phone radiation tests- performed with the phone close to body- show the phone violates the legal radiation limit. This smartphone is priced between 800 and 900 euros and tested at nearly...
“PhoneGate Alert” Press Conference in Paris Thursday, June 28, 2018 with Dr. Marc Arazi, Dr. Annie Sasco, & Dr. Devra Davis
Scientists Call for The Recall of Millions of Mobile Phones Press Conference, Paris, Thursday, June 28, 2018 Dr. Marc Arazi, Dr. Annie Sasco, & Dr. Devra Davis Protect the Health of Users "PhoneGate Alert" requests the urgent recall millions of mobile phones...
Le Mode- caught red-handed for misinformation on Phonegate: Phones recalled due to radiation excesses
Le Monde » caught red-handed for misinformation on Phonegate Cell Phone models are being recalled in France after ANFR finds most cell phone have radiation levels that exceed government limits., 2 June 2018 Yesterday, 31 May 2018, the internet...
[Press Release] Phonegate in the Netherlands: Legal Battle Launched After Advertisement of Children Using Mobile Phones Disregards Cell Phone Radiation Health Risk
Phonegate in the Netherlands. Soon to be meetings with Agentschap Telecom because of unsound advertisement. April 2018 Press Release posted with permission. An advertisement by the Dutch telecom provider KPN shows that two toddlers are holding a mobile phone against...
[Press Release] Phonegate in the Netherlands: Legal Battle Launched After Advertisement of Children Using Mobile Phones
Press release, April 16, 2018 - Posted with permission. Dutch On April 5, 2018, the French site, “60 Millions de consommateurs”announced the recall by the mobile telephony operator Orange of 90,000 cell phones of the model “Hapi 30”. The reason for the recall is that...