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France: Tablet RF Radiation Exposure Exceeds Regulatory Limit

News from PhoneGate Alert  The ANFR, Frances national frequency agency found the Zebra ET45CA tablet does not comply with European regulatory exposure limits for wireless radiation.   France has a robust cell phone and wireless radiation post market testing program....

Think Wireless Technology is Safe? Read the Fine Print Warnings

Think Wireless Technology is Safe? Read the Fine Print Warnings Cell phones wireless and Wi-Fi toys instruct users to keep devices away from the body   WASHINGTON, Feb. 3, 2022— The Environmental Health Trust  is advising consumers to pay attention to the fine...

Razer Phone 2 Recall For High Radiation Levels: PhoneGate

 5/20/2020 Yet another cell phone has been pulled from the market after cell phone radiation tests-  performed with the phone close to body- show the phone violates the legal radiation limit. This smartphone is priced between 800 and 900 euros and tested at nearly...