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Cell Towers

Wildlife Biologist on Cell Tower Impacts to Bats and Birds

My Life for the Birds & Bats: Friends of Merrymeeting Bay Presents Wildlife Biologist Albert Manville Al Manville, Senior Wildlife Biologist, of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Retired Adjutant Professor, Johns Hopkins University speaks on his work as a...

Cell Tower at Schools Health Effects Safety FAQs

Cell Tower at Schools Health Effects Safety FAQs Cell towers, 5G and cell antennas emit a type of non-ionizing radiation called radiofrequency (RF) radiation. The companies seem to say it is safe to put these antennas on school grounds because the radiation emissions...

Wyandotte elementary school cell tower sparks strong protests

In Michigan, parents are protesting the installation of 5G cell antennas on the Wyandotte elementary school. The story has resulted in near daily news coverage.  U.S Congressman Shri Thanedar released a press statement saying that the cell tower on top of the school...