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Cell Towers

Is it true that trees closer to phone towers are turning lifeless?

The Times of India reports: Electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation from cell phone towers and gadgets is damaging plant life... Research has uncovered that EMF radiation, much neglected in its influence, can have drastic and unforeseen effects on plant life. From...

New research: Cell towers near homes drop property values

New research published in International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis on cell towers and property value found “a significant impact” on the proximity of cell phone tower base stations to the residential property sale prices. The closer to the cell tower a...

School Districts Prohibit Cell Towers on School Property

Many school districts have banned cell towers. Communities are opposed to cell towers at schools due to the radiation exposure. Numerous studies document health effects from long term exposure to cell tower radiation.  Los Angeles Board of Education California which...

Cell Towers Drop Property Values 

Documentation: Cell Towers Drop Property Values  Several realtors from the Oakland Township documented their professional opinion in a series of letters related to a proposed cell tower.  "In my opinion from extensive experience I will tell you the cell tower will...