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2013 – EEA Issues “Late Lessons From Early Warnings: Chapter 12: Mobile phone use and brain tumour risk: early warnings, early actions?”

  • The chapter concludes that “ Precautionary actions now to reduce head exposures, as pointed out by the EEA in 2007, and many others since, would limit the size and seriousness of any brain tumour risk that may exist. Reducing exposures may also help to reduce the other possible harms…”

2011 – Precautions Recommended by David Gee, EEA Senior Advisor on Science, Policy and Emerging Issues

2009 – EEA Issues Recommendations Based on Current Evidence

  • Original Statement
  • “The evidence is now strong enough, using the precautionary principle, to justify the following steps: 1. For governments, the mobile phone industry, and the public to take all reasonable measures to reduce exposures to EMF, especially to radio frequencies from mobile phones, and particularly the exposures to children and young adults who seem to be most at risk from head tumours.”

2007 – Professor Jacqueline McGlade, the EEA’s executive director issued recommendations

  • McGlade stated that “Recent research and reviews on the long-term effects of radiations from mobile telecommunications suggest that it would be prudent for health authorities to recommend actions to reduce exposures, especially to vulnerable groups, such as children.”
  • Independent News Article – “EU watchdog calls for urgent action on Wi-Fi radiation”