Stunning new findings from Research Teams at Biophysics in Gazi University, Ankara, confirm that prenatal exposures to pulsed digital signals from cellphones in rabbits and rats damage the brain, eyes, liver and skin of offspring. Detailed analyses of changes in different types of brain cells and structure after prenatal exposure to cellphone radiation were presented by Prof. Sulleyman Kaplan, Ondokuz Mayis University, Samsun, and biomarkers of genetic and other damage to cells and organs were provided by Prof. Nesrin Seyhan and her students and colleagues from Gazi University, Department of Physics. Prof. Annie Sasco, drawing on work of Profs. Elisabeth Cardis and Siegal Sadetzki, explained the limits of epidemiologic studies to date and noted that long-term regular cellphone use is linked with significantly elevated risk of gliomas, acoustic neuromas, and parotid gland tumors. The Interphone published results to date only have reported gliomas Note: On May 31, International Agency for Research on Cancer determined that radiofrequency radiation and electromagnetic fields are “possible” human carcinogens.
Conference Highlights: Findings on The Effects of Cell Phone Radiation
1. In newborns:
(Arin Tomruk)
2. Increased carcinogenisity risk (Prof. Dr. Livio Giuliani)
3. Destroyed or damaged lymphocytes—human blood cells that are critical to healing the immune system. (Meric Arda Esmekaya)
4. DNA damage in hair root cells derived from the region close to the antenna of the irradiating mobile phone as well as skin aging. (Semra Tepe Çam)
5. Changes of two main regions of the brain, the hippocampus and cerebellum, related to memory and other functions. (Prof. Dr. Süleyman Kaplan)
6. Significant damage to human sperm from cell phone radiation, confirming studies that have been carried out in Australia, the US and Greece. (Prof. Dr. Emin Oztas)
The studies reviewed at this conference showed that levels of microwave radiation produced by cell phones in the real world today significantly damage and reduce sperm, impair DNA and memory, and cause deficits in offspring whose mothers are exposed during pregnancy.
These new findings demand the attention of the Media and the action of the governments for the establishment of new biologically based guidelines, as has been proposed by well-known scientists in a recent publication. In any case, the precautionary principle should be followed. The major advice would be to use cell phones and other EMR sources at a safe distance.
Go here to see the full workshop agenda.
Full List of Participants:
Devra Davis, PhD, MPH Founder and President of Environmental Health Trust
Nesrin Seyhan, PhD Founder and Chairperson, Gazi University, Biophysics Department
Murat Tuncer, MD Head of Cancer Control, Ministry of Health of Turkey
Livio Giuliani, PhD, Direttore di dipartimento ISPESL, International Commission on Electromagnetic Safety (ICEMS) spokesman
Semra Tepe Cam, M.Sc., PhD Candidate in Biophysics, Gazi University
Lukas H. Margaritis, PhD, Professor Emeritus, University of Athens, Dept of Cell Biology and Biophysics
Adamantia F. Fragopoulou, M.Sc. Ph.D. Candidate in Biophysics, Athens
Arin Tomruk, MSc, PhD Candidate in Biophysics, Gazi
Suleyman Kaplan, MD Ondokuz Mayis University, Samsun, Turkey
Meric Arda Esmekaya, MSc, PhD Candidate in Biophysics, Gazi
Wilhelm Mosgoeller, MD, Professor, Medical University of Vienna
Emin Oztas, MD, Professor Ankara, Medical Military Institute GATA
Siegal Sadetzki, MD, MPH Cancer & Radiation Epidemiology Unity, Gertner Institute, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hoshomer 52621, Israel and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Annie Sasco, MD, Dr.PH Director of Epidemiology, INSERM, National Institute of Health, Bordeaux, France