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Screen Children: How Digital Screens Are Impacting Our Kids and How To Help Them





Surveys say American children on average get their first mobile phone at the age of 10. Not surprising. This everyday gadget seems amazing. It provides entertainment, communication, information, and companionship. But the phone has its downsides. It affects the part of the brain that activates the visual center. Users see but don’t think. It doesn’t stimulate the frontal lobe, which activates thinking, creativity, attention, decision-making, and problem-solving. And the brain is like a muscle: when it is not in use, it grows weak. The effects of digital devices occur in other parts of the body as well — melatonin production, which affects sleep; cortisol production, which affects mood; oxygen intake and muscular development, which are limited from bending the head down for extended periods to look at a screen; and impaired eyesight. Not to mention effects from radiofrequency radiation exposure like miscarriage, brain cell reduction, and increases in rectal and breast cancer, among others.

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meltum KüSKü


About Meltum Küskü

In her first book, “Screen Children: How Digital Screens Are Impacting Our Kids and How To Help Them,” former Proctor & Gamble executive Meltem Küskü, shares a comprehensive collection of research on the effects of digital devices. As one digestible and understandable resource, Küskü prepares children and parents for an unknown and unpredictable future. Küskü explains that she was prompted to write “Screen Children: How Digital Screens Are Impacting Our Kids and How To Help Them” when she started noticing changes in her preteen son after receiving a cell phone as a gift from her and her husband. She has been using the book to educate public officials and families of the effects from use of digital devices. While it’s nearly impossible to live in a device-free world, Küskü says she has greatly altered their home lifestyle to reduce exposure — hard-wiring her home; using the phones hands-free; leaving the device in another room during dinner; and only using the device when the signal is strong. Hear more about Küskü’s evolution from corporate executive to public health advocate in this Patreon interview. Küskü’s book is available on Amazon. Based on scientific research and her personal experience, it is written in conversational language that is easy to read and understand. Get the book, “Screen Children: How Digital Screens Are Impacting Our Kids and How To Help Them”…




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