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Cindy Franklin Interview Promotional Poster

Wednesday, June 23, 2021, 3:00 p.m. ET, 12:00 p.m. PT on Zoom or sign up to join our Patreon HERE.   

The Washington Spectator magazine recently exposed the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) for its shoddy and biased report to the state legislature on the potential harm to the state’s roughly 600,000 schoolkids from wireless devices proliferating in classrooms.

Spectator reporter Daniel Forbes found an inadequate review process coupled with deletions of scientific findings linking wireless radiation exposure to cancer and other health issues. Several groups of scientists wrote to the Oregon governor and legislature calling for a retraction to the report.

Cindy Franklin, founder of Consumers for Safe Cell Phones discussed with EHT Executive Director Theodora how she obtained several drafts of the report through Oregon public records requests. However, she was denied the first draft — a draft that had science documenting an association between exposure and harmful effects. 

Forbes reports that emails reveal that the OHA’s chief science officer, ”apparently pulled the strings to withhold that damning first draft from public records requests made by a wireless-safety advocate, Cindy Franklin, who identified herself as an advocate in her request.” 

“Allegedly withholding a public document in such circumstances is taken quite seriously here in Oregon,” Forbes wrote.

In the Spectator article, Franklin is quoted as saying, “OHA leadership has been implicated in this blatant, coordinated public health deception. How high up does this go? Governor Brown and the legislature must immediately hold investigative hearings.”

Environmental Health Trust devoted significant resources to comment on the report and produced a 100-plus page response to the OHA Wireless Health Report.

Scarato pointed out that this report will be presented as “proof of safety” in other states and likely even other countries searching for scientific reviews on the issue of the health effects of wireless in schools. The ramifications go well beyond Oregon and could impact school children across the United States.

“A retraction by the Health Department is critical,” she said.

Meet Cindy Franklin in our next Patreon event and learn all about the Oregon Health Authority Report and the importance of the report to schoolchildren across the nation. Learn more about the Wi-Fi Report here.

WHAT: Cindy Franklin and Theodora Scarato Discuss the OHA Wi-Fi Health Effect Report

DATE: Wednesday, June 23, 2021

TIME: 3:00 p.m. ET, 12:00 p.m. PT

LOCATION: ZOOM  (registration required) Sign up for Patreon HERE


About Cindy Franklin

Cindy Franklin has been a wireless health and safety advocate for more than 12 years. Last year, her non-profit, Consumers for Safe Cell Phones, joined EHT as a petitioner in the Environmental Health Trust et al. v. FCC lawsuit, challenging the FCC’s obsolete and inadequate wireless radiation exposure guidelines. Recently, she collaborated with EHT in the successful effort to expose the lack of scientific rigor and by the Oregon Health Authority in their report on children and the health effects of wireless radiation.

About Theodora Scarato

Theodora Scarato, MSW, is Executive Director of Environmental Health Trust (EHT), a scientific think tank that publishes research and educates policymakers on environmental health issues. Scarato has published research on EMF policy and maintains EHT’s renowned EMF policy database. Scarato coordinates scientific programs and develops awareness-raising educational resources on 5G, Safe Technology, and Wi-Fi in Schools.  She has presented at the National Institutes of Health, the New Hampshire State 5G Commission, the University of California San Francisco, and several international conferences. She spearheaded the investigation into the Oregon Health Authority Report on Wireless and Health Effects.