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                                                  JOIN THE SAFE TECH CHALLENGE!



Dear Environmental Health Trust supporters,

You can start making your environment safer from wireless radiation by getting wired up. In fact, many of you already are!

We want you to show us how you practice safe technology and join this years #safetechchallege 

Please submit a 10-second to 2-minute video showing the small or big steps you are taking to protect yourself, family, friends and your community. 

Submissions will be posted as a compilation on our website and shared on social media to show how people like you who are making the change.

Submit videos HERE or tag @ehtrust on Instagram or Facebook or @saferphones on Twitter and use the hashtag #safetechchallenge!


Disclaimer: When you send your video to Environmental Health Trust (EHT), then EHT shall be entitled to the unrestricted use of the Submissions for any purpose in all media now known or hereafter discovered without compensation to the provider of such Submissions. We cannot thank you enough for your support helping to raise awareness. 


Everyone can practice safer technology. 

Here’s How



Wired Internet

Turn on Airplane Mode

Start the Conversation

Use Corded Phone

Create a Sleep Sanctuary

Write to Your Health Officials

Here are some examples of people sharing the way they reduce radiation. 



Safe Tech Challenge Submissions