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Fiorella Belpoggi PhD FIATP Wireless Radiation and Health

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In this episode, Dr Fiorella Belpoggi, Head of Research at the Ramazzini Institute and Director of the Cesare Maltoni Cancer Research Centre, discusses her findings in a lecture titled “Carcinogenic effect of base station environmental emission? ––The Latest Results of in vivo Studies”. 

The lecture was given at the 3rd International Forum of Protection from Electromagnetic Environmental Pollution in 2018. In this talk, Dr. Belpoggi, shares her findings of evidence of cancer from the large-scale Ramazzini rat studies on radio frequency radiation.

In 1992 she was nominated as a Fellow of the Collegium Ramazzini and currently serves as a member of the Executive Council. Dr. Belpoggi has authored more than 100 publications and is an Invited Lecturer of Industrial and Environmental Carcinogenesis at various schools of public health and universities. She represented the Ramazzini Institute on the Faculty Council of Veterinary Sciences at the University of Padova and works with European agencies, as well as the United States National Toxicology Program.

It’s important to remember that radiofrequency radiation––which comes from cell phones, WiFi, and other wireless devices––is often touted as being undeniably safe. However, the National Toxicology Program study (the NTP study), Dr. Belpoggi’s research, and hundreds of other studies demonstrate otherwise.

The lecture was given at the 3rd International Forum of Protection from Electromagnetic Environmental Pollution in 2018. In this talk, Dr. Belpoggi, shares her findings of evidence of cancer from the large-scale Ramazzini rat studies on radio frequency radiation. Her team found that malignant brain tumors were elevated in these rats. The most shocking of her findings was that the higher rates of tumors mirror the findings from the multimillion dollar NTP study from the United States, further solidifying the findings of both studies.

Watch the video here.

Read EHT’s detailed breakdown on Dr. Belpoggi’s study here.