New diagnose-funk publication: Who is entitled to interpret the risks of mobile phone radiation? About campaigns by a cartel of industry, Federal Office for Radiation Protection and ICNIRP Message From Peter Hensinger scientific director of Diagnose-Funk. In 2022,...
cell phone radiation
5G Health Effects Informational Meeting at the Town of Brookfield Connecticut
5G Informational Meeting at the Town of Brookfield Connecticut Members shared resources on cell tower radiation health effects.
Apple Waives Right to Respond to Cert. Petition in RF Radiation High Court Appeal
Law Street Media: Apple Waives Right to Respond to Cert. Petition in RF Radiation High Court Appeal "Apple has decided not to file a responsive brief in the radiofrequency (RF) radiation case filed by iPhone users who claim that Apple breached state tort and...
Breast Cancer Prevention Resources
Protect Yourself Breast Cancer Poster 8.5x11Protect Yourself Girls Poster 8.5x11Protect Yourself Boys Poster 8.5x11Protect Yourself – Breast CancerBreast Cancer Prevention PostcardBreast Cancer Prevention PostcardWoman Sleep Cell Phone Postcard
5G and Cell Tower Radiation: Caught in a Regulatory Gap
There is No U.S. Federal Agency Ensuring Cell Tower Wireless Safety There is no U.S. government agency with oversight for cell tower radiation health effects: no research reviews, no reports, no environmental monitoring, no risk mitigation and no...
Are You Concerned About Your Health? Then You Need to Know About EMF’s – Dr. Devra Davis Podcast on Kathryn for Real
Are You Concerned About Your Health? Then You Need to Know About EMF's - Dr. Devra Davis by Kathryn Gordon, October 12, 2022 Apple Podcast Link On this week's episode of Kathryn for Real, Kathryn sits down with Professor, Scientist, and EMF Radiation activist Dr....
Published Research on Children, Wireless Radiation and Electromagnetic Radiation
The widespread use of wireless technology is rapidly increasing our exposure to radiofrequency radiation (RFR). There is now substantial published, peer-reviewed scientific evidence indicating that wireless radiation can have a variety of harmful effects–even at...
Woodstock Planning Board Green-lights 5G Cell Networks
The Woodstock Planning Board’s unanimous vote September 29 approving Verizon’s 5G equipment addition to the town-owned cell tower came after discussion about radio frequency radiation and its cumulative effect from all providers. Read more at...
Motorola Engineer Sues Company Alleging Brain Cancer, Authors New Book ‘Cellular Telephone Russian Roulette’
Motorola Engineer Sues Company Alleging Brain Cancer Authors New Book Cellular Telephone Russian Roulette Robert Kane, a 30-year top Motorola engineer developed a brain tumor in his 40s that he alleges was from his work at Motorola testing cell phones. Before he...
TedX Talk Rapid Fire- What Brain and Sperm Share and Why Care- Cell Phone Radiation by Devra Davis PhD MPH
Rapid Fire - What Brain and Sperm Share and Why Care | Dr. Devra Davis | TEDxJacksonHole Dr. Devra Davis is founder and President of Environmental Health Trust. Davis was Founding Director, Center for Environmental Oncology and the University of Pittsburgh Cancer...