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Washington DC National Capital Planning Commission Meeting on Wireless Antenna Guidelines

New Guidelines are proposed and the public can get comments on the record. 

The National Capital Planning Commission is updating the Wireless Antenna Guidelines which were last modified in 2001. This update includes several additions to the current guidelines: adding definitions for small cells and temporary antennas; including several new criteria to help protect viewsheds and address multiple antennas on building rooftops; and identifying the review process for temporary antennas and small cell antennas.

Public Meeting: Antenna Guidelines Update 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM

Zoom Meeting: Tuesday, August 4, 2020 | 4:30-6:00 PM


The Public Can Provide Comments to these Antenna Guidelines Online Through September 14, 2020

Last updated in 2001, the new guidance will address the impacts of new telecommunication infrastructure on federal buildings and land. The guidelines do not pertain to small cell infrastructure in the public right-of-way as this is regulated by the District of Columbia.

NCPC staff presented the draft antenna guidelines to the Commission at the July 9, 2020 meeting. The Commission released the draft guidelines for a 60-day public comment period. After collecting and addressing comments received on the draft Antenna Guidelines, staff will present the final Antenna Guidelines to the Commission for approval in the fall 2020.
