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Electromagnetic Environmental PollutionKrakow Poland’s New Initiative on Electromagnetic Environmental Pollution

International Expert Forum on Protection of Children from Electromagnetic Environmental Pollution and ”Let’s Be EcoDigital” Community Project

The City of Krakow Poland has started a new initiative regarding digital devices and electromagnetic radiation. The City has developed a series of contests, community gatherings and electronic waste awareness activities as part of their EcoDigital” project launched under the Mayor of the City of Krakow. As an example, the City hosted a family picnic on the “International Day of Protection from Electromagnetic Environmental Pollution”

The City will be hosting the 2nd International Expert Forum on Protection of Children from Electromagnetic Environmental Pollution. Last years conference  featured several international scientists including Professor Olle Johansson of the Karolinska Institute, Sissel Halmøy, President of The International EMF Alliance and Professor Włodzimierz Klonowski from Maciej Nałęcz Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences.  The detailed program of the conference is available here.

The City has a webpage called Protection against electromagnetic fields which includes “Practical Guidance on reducing EMFs” which recommends “Reducing mobile call to an absolute minimum; Turn off the phone, Wi-Fi, mobile broadband (3G / 4G) and Bluetooth; Turning off Wi-Fi router if it is not used, especially in the night; Giving preference to wired Internet, and the occasional use of mobile Internet (wired link, and especially fiber is safer, more stable and faster than wireless).

The City raises public awareness with a two page brochure “Electromagnetic Fields:  Information For Residents” Page 1 , Page 2

Krakow City Hall purchased high quality equipment for personal monitoring of EMFs. Every resident can rent a dosimeter and take independent measurements of EMF at any chosen point of the city.

Poland’s Minister of Family, Labor and Social Policy issued new regulations in June 2016 on health and safety at work related to exposure to electromagnetic fields. The employer is obliged to eliminate electromagnetic threats, taking into account all available technical measures to reduce the output of EMF at its source or limiting exposure to EMF, and if this is not possible, apply safeguard measures limiting these risks in a different way.

Click here for details on the regulation.
 Protection of workers against electromagnetic fields – the new rules.

This is a google translation from the City of Krakow Poland webpage.

All countries of the European Union on 1 July 2016. Force Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council 2013/35 / EU of 26 June 2013. On the minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to the risks arising from physical agents (fields electromagnetic) (XXth individual Directive within the meaning of Article. 16 paragraph. 1 of Directive 89/391 / EEC) and repealing Directive 2004/40 / EC.

Click here:

In the wake of the July 1, 2016 in Poland, the Regulation of the Minister of Family, Labor and Social Policy of 29 June 2016. On health and safety at work related to exposure to electromagnetic fields. Click here:

The Regulation defines the electromagnetic risks as harmful to health, dangerous or troublesome effects of direct or indirect impact of electromagnetic fields (EMF) generated in the operation due to the direct effects of biophysical effects of EMF on the human body, including:

– thermal effects – heating energy absorbed by the tissue PEM;

– non-thermal effects, namely: stimulation of muscles, nerves or sensory organs, which can have a detrimental effect on mental or physical; stimulation of sensory organs can lead to transient symptoms such as dizziness or visual impressions, which can cause temporary nuisance or interfere with cognitive or other brain or muscle functions, which may affect your ability to work safely.

Electromagnetic fields can cause a variety of ailments (subjective and objective) in the worker depending on the field strength and frequency.

Subjective symptoms:

  • General weakness,
  • difficulty concentration,
  • memory impairment,
  • ease fatigue is mental work,
  • drowsiness during the day and sleep disorders during the night,
  • nervous irritability,
  • headaches and dizziness,
  • excessive sweating or dryness of the hands and feet,
  • heart ailments eg. tightness, stinging,
  • dysfunctions of the digestive system.

Ailments objective:

  • symptoms from the central nervous system (neurasteniczne states, neuroses vegetative shaking hands, EEG activity changes manifest themselves EEG)
  • changes in the organ of sight,
  • symptoms of cardiovascular (low blood pressure, slow heart rate, changes of bioelectrical activity in the heart revealing EEG)
  • changes in the blood and hematopoietic system,
  • symptoms of the endocrine system.

The employer is obliged to designate areas: safe and protective (indirect threats and dangerous). It is prohibited to employ within the electromagnetic fields of strengths exceeding the value for the safe zone (up to 7 V / m) of young workers, the user active or passive medical implants, people diagnosed with contraindications to perform work under the conditions of exposure and pregnant women, because the field electromagnetic treated as a factor disturbing reproduction (genotoxic or teratogenicity).

The employer is obliged to eliminate electromagnetic threats, taking into account all available technical measures to reduce the output of PEM at its source or limiting exposure to EMF, and if this is not possible, apply safeguard measures limiting these risks in a different way, the proper use of science and technology.

Information sent from Krakow Poland Officials to EHT

New Project of the City of Krakow Poland ”Let’s Be EcoDigital”

The paramount objective of the project is to protect children and young people from the negative effects of broadly defined digitalization: develop good practice in the use of new technologies that would guarantee safety in respect of physical and mental health.

The 2017 events within the framework of the “ Let’s Be EcoDigital” project.

  1. Contests for Children and Youth:
    1.1.  Photography Contest “A Day Without My Smartphone “ – Municipality of Krakow – finished on 16th June 2017;
    1.2.  Literary Contest “A Day Without My Smartphone “ – Municipality of Krakow – finished on 16th June 2017;
    1.3.  “Send a Postcard Instead of Sms Message” – Municipality of Krakow- duration: 24th June-31st August 2017.
  1. Exhibition of Graphic Works by Paweł Kuczyński

Monday 19th June 2017 – opening at Krakow’s Planty near the Bunkier Sztuki Contemporary Art Gallery Time: 19th June – 30th June 2017 (admission free);

Organizer: Municipality of Krakow.

An eminent Polish artist created a series of illustrations presenting satirical view of some difficult aspects of digital reality. His drawings associated with the topic of the project are recognizable worldwide and carry the universal and transnational message. The plain air exhibition of Kuczynski’s works is expected to draw the attention of both city residents and tourists to the issues covered by the project: e-addiction, cyber violence and electrosmog. Kuczyński’s illustrations have all the time been accompanying the actions taken by Krakow in the field of protection from electromagnetic environmental pollution. City residents will find them, in, among others, special leaflet on EMF pollution. Moreover, “e-smog” is the illustration specially made for the start of the “Let’s Be EcoDigital” project.

  1. “International Day of Protection from Electromagnetic Environmental Pollution”

Family Picnic without Smartphone

Saturday 24th June – H. Jordan Park, between 10.00 – 14.00 (admission free).

To celebrate “International Day of Protection from Electromagnetic Environmental Pollution” the Municipality of Krakow organizes interesting games, competitions with attractive prizes and refreshments for all participants. The picnic will attempt to convince families that it is possible to share free time and enjoy oneself switching your smartphone off for a while. During the event, there will be an opportunity to have individual consultations with experts and doctors on the subjects of e-addiction, cyber violence and electrosmog. Additionally, a special Ecobrigade will be waiting for residents who want to get rid of electronic waste. In exchange for waste electric and electronic items there will be a surprise gift. Around noon, Sound`n`Grace will play one hour concert.

  1. 2nd International Forum on Protection from Electromagnetic Environmental Pollution. Protection of Children. 27th November 2017- Municipality of Krakow,Wszystkich Świętych 3-4, Krakow

About “Let’s Be EcoDigital” project.

“Lets Be EcoDigital”

Twenty one years ago, on 14th June 1996, first mobile phone conversation took place in Poland. Today, it is difficult to imagine life without mobile technologies. There are now nearly 60 million active mobile phones in Poland which means 1.5 cell phone per capita.

The average time spent by Poles online everyday is 4.4 hr at computers and as much as 1.3 hr on mobile equipment. The digital technology keeps developing so rapidly that it leaves no time for additional research on the effects of this development. We already have first reports presenting alarming information on the consequences of uncontrolled access to digitalization.

Right in front of our eyes there has been born a new diagnostic term – e-addictions, we observe, more and more frequently, problems in inter human relations, as our language grows poorer and we lack topics for discussion. There is no motivation to interchange ideas with other people which leads to confinement in one’s own world ( i.e. home or even room) and in consequence, alienation in the peer community or even family. Addiction to computer games results in lack of empathy, loss of ability to function within a group, verbal and physical aggression. The effects of e-addiction can also involve widely understood educational and occupational problems caused by intellectual impairments and neurological problems associated with absence of stimulation of the senses of touch, smell and motor skills that become limited only to the hand. Overuse of the Internet means unhealthy lifestyle – lack of physical activity, sedentary way of life, impairment of sight, back and shoulder pain, sinew contractures and breathing problems related to oxygen deficiency. The project includes also promoting better awareness of electrosmog. Whereas electric and electromagnetic fields of some frequencies have positive effect and are applied, for example, in medicine, other non ionizing frequencies used in radars, telecommunication and cell phones seem to exert more or less detrimental biological influence on plants, animals and also on a human body even in case of exposition to radiation lower than allowed by the applicable standards.

In consideration of the above described aspects of our everyday lives, reflections and interventions of Cracovians, all our activities in this area have been included in the “Let’s Be EcoDigital” project launched under the honorary patronage of Mayor of the City of Krakow.


“Let’s be EcoDigital” – a new project of the City of Krakow News Update

Organized Conference on EMF: “Mayor of Krakow Jacek Majchrowski opened the International Forum Protection from Electromagnetic Environmental Pollution. Right to Information for Citizens on Monday, December 5, 2016 in the Krakow City Hall. The event was attended by leading international and polish experts. Our city is the first in Poland to organize a Conference focusing on the effects of EMF on the environment.”

“The main theme of the Conference devoted to Electromagnetic Environmental Pollution was Information”. Everyone has the right to receive full information about their environment. It is guaranteed by numerous legal acts, both EU and national level including: Aarhus Convention, Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on Public Access to Environmental Information, Environmental Protection Act and Polish Constitution – Article 74 “Everyone shall have the right to be informed of the quality of the environment and its protection.”  Read the news update on Krakows Website

The Ecologist:Krakow’s bold step to curb electromagnetic pollution reflects growing evidence of harm by Lynne Wycherley, 12th January 2017
