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Stop sleeping with your cell phone: Anything closer than arm’s length could cause cancer and infertility, health officials warn

By Natalie Rahhal For

PUBLISHED: 13:54 EST, 15 December 2017 | UPDATED: 21:50 EST, 15 December 2017

  • The California Department of Health released advice to minimize cell phone radiation exposure
  • Radiation from the devices has been linked to cancer and infertility
  • Children’s developing brains may be particularly vulnerable
  • Exposure risks are highest when cell phones have fewer bars of service or are downloading or streaming media


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Environmental Health Trust in the news! 

Read an excerpt from the article below.

‘Keeping a phone directly on the body has never been a good idea,’ says Dr Devra Davis of the Environmental Health Trust. In fact, cell phone makers themselves seem to agree. Apple, for example, includes an ‘RF exposure’ notice in the iPhone’s settings. The notice explains that the iPhone’s RF emissions were tested at 5 mm – about the thickness of a fine point pen – from the body, and fall within the US standards of safety. But it also includes advice for reducing exposure – not unlike California’s new guidance – by using speakerphone or hands free accessories. ‘Most people are not aware that there is a clear warning to keep the phone off the body embedded in the phone,’ says Dr Davis.  


Read the full article at

This article was translated into several languages and circulated to many countries.

Vietnamse: Cảnh báo: Đừng để trẻ em ‘ngủ chung’ với điện thoại di động

Spanish: Por qué es peligroso dormir con el celular al lado

French: Pourquoi il est dangereux de dormir à côté d’un téléphone

Chinese: Radiation Can Cause Cancer 


