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Results for "peer reviewed"

Razer Phone 2 Recall For High Radiation Levels: PhoneGate

 5/20/2020 Yet another cell phone has been pulled from the market after cell phone radiation tests-  performed with the phone close to body- show the phone violates the legal radiation limit. This smartphone is priced between 800 and 900 euros and tested at nearly...

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Health Effects of Wireless Baby Monitors

Baby Monitors   Some facts about wireless baby monitors.   Wireless baby monitors emit microwave radiation constantly while powered on (both the base where the child is, and the component where the parent or caregiver is). Most baby monitor bases have fine...

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Legal Action Against 5G in the United Kingdom

 Legal Action Against 5G in the United Kingdom PLEASE SUPPORT THIS ACTION BY MAKING A CONTRIBUTION AT ACTIONAGAINST5G.ORG “This UK legal case is headed by Michael Mansfield QC, renowned for upholding Human Rights. “We bring this case because we lack confidence in...

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Cell Towers: Everything You Need To Know

At A Glance... Cell towers emit radiation; the same type as your microwave oven. Cell tower radiation was classified a "possible" carcinogen. Scientists recommend children reduce exposure to radiation. Children are vulnerable, due to their developing brains and...

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Postcards to distribute urging people to protect the ones they love.
Postcard urging not to put phones in your bra.
Safety postcard