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Results for "laptop"

Cell Phones

Easy Ways to Reduce Cell phone Radiation  Cell phone radiation is not safe.  Peer-reviewed research has demonstrated a myriad of adverse effects from cell phone radiofrequency radiation including increased brain cancer, DNA damage, oxidative stress, immune...

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iPads and Tablets Safety FAQS

Important Safety Information About iPads and Tablets Before purchasing a new tablet, please consider this important safety information. iPads and Tablets Emit Microwave Radiation: Wireless iPads and tablets emit constant bursts of pulsed wireless microwave radiation...

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Cell Phone Radiation Harms Sperm and Fertility

Cell Phone Radiation Damages Sperm Consistent evidence from experimental research, epidemiological studies and in vitro (cells) laboratory, and in vivo (animal) studies indicates that the radio frequency radiation exposure from cell phones and wireless devices is...

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Wireless Radiation Impacts the Brain

The brain is sensitive to wireless radiation exposure. Scientists consider the nervous system to be one of the primary systems impacted by wireless and electromagnetic radiation.  An NIH study made headlines in 2011 when it found cell phone radiation altered brain...

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Screens Impact Children’s Brains- Minimize Health Risks

Wireless electronics and the overuse of screens is impacting our children's health. Screens come with numerous health risks and parents can take steps to minimize these risks. Read a New Jersey Education Association Article "Minimize the Health Risks of Screens" , and...

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Fine Print Warnings

The Fine Print Manufacturer Radio Frequency Radiation WarningsCell Phones“iPhone is evaluated in positions that simulate uses against the head, with no separation, and when worn or carried against the torso of the body, with 5 mm separation...To reduce exposure to RF...

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Postcards to distribute urging people to protect the ones they love.
Postcard urging not to put phones in your bra.
Safety postcard