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Results for "tablets"

Recent Scientific Publications by the EHT Scientific Team

Recent scientific publications by EHT experts and advisors   EHT scientists and scientific advisors regularly  publish research in peer reviewed journals. On this page is a short list of our published works. Ben Ishai Paul, Baldwin Hillel Z, Birnbaum Linda S,...

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Outdated FCC “Safety” Standards

When these guidelines were developed, a cell phone was the size of a brick and there was no Wi-Fi at the coffee shop. Times have changed. The laws have not. Fact: There Are No Safety Standards Currently there are no national or international “standards” for safe...

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Screens and Sleep

Technology and Our Healthy Sleep     Research shows that light from screens and radiation from wireless can impact our sleep. The quality of our sleep profoundly impacts learning and memory and is essential for retaining new information. A sleep-deprived...

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Scientific Research on Wireless Radiation Health Effects

Peer-Reviewed Scientific Research on Wireless Radiation Health Effects Published Research Links Cell Phone and Wireless To Health Effects   Cell phones and wireless expose people to a type of microwave radiation also known as radiofrequency radiation or RF-EMF....

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Postcards to distribute urging people to protect the ones they love.
Postcard urging not to put phones in your bra.
Safety postcard