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Results for "laptop"

Scientific Citations on Wireless Radiation in Schools 

Scientific Citations on Wi-Fi Radiation  Download a PDF HERE This is just a few examples of the science showing effects from Wi-Fi and wireless.  Pall M., Wi-Fi is an important threat to human health, Environmental Research Volume 164, July 2018, Pages 405-416  ...

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Smartphone Blue Light is Linked to Colon Cancer and Depression

Smartphones emit several types of electromagnetic fields that can harm our health. In addition to  harmful radio-frequency radiation, they also emit blue light.  While humans have always been exposed to natural blue light frequencies in nature, our use of smartphones...

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Screen-centred Schools: the New Wild West

Screen-centred Schools: the New Wild West A New Paper by Dr. Mary Redmayne   Screen-centred schools are like the new Wild West, according to a recently published paper about device use in schools. “This new frontier in education” had sparse evidence of...

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Russia Bans Wi-Fi and Smartphones For Distance Learning

 2020 Health and Safety Rules for Distance Learning The Russia Ministry of Health has set new health and safety rules banning Wi-Fi and banning smartphones for distance learning. The Guide "Hygienic standards and special requirements for the device, content and modes...

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Postcards to distribute urging people to protect the ones they love.
Postcard urging not to put phones in your bra.
Safety postcard