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There are over a thousand submissions to the FCC Review of RF Exposure Policies which includes dockets 18-84 and 03-137. EHT has submitted several documents, testimonials, research papers and scientific publications including a comprehensive 87 page document “Erroneous Comments Submitted to the FCC on Proposed Cellphone Radiation Standards and Testing.”   


FCC Review of RF Exposure Policies

See submissions for ET Docket No. 13-84 Reassessment of Federal Communications Commission Radiofrequency Exposure Limits and  Policies

See submissions for ET Docket No. 03-137 Proposed Changes in the Commission’s Rules Regarding Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields

FCC Releases Long-Awaited Item On RF Exposure Standards” -TR Daily article on FCC Review

The Environmental Health Trust (EHT) calls for stronger radiation protection from cell phones that are consistent with the American Academy of Pediatrics in a document delivered to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The document, Erroneous Comments Submitted to the FCC on Proposed Cellphone Radiation Standards and Testing is in response to the Federal Communications Commission’s request for input regarding its radiofrequency radiation regulations adopted in 1996, individuals and organizations including the Environmental Health Trust, submitted thousands of documents, testimonials, research papers and scientific publications that are now available to the media and to the public.

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