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Massachusetts, United States of America
2017 Legislative Update on Bills on Wireless and Health

In 2017, Massachusetts introduced seven bills to address wireless radiation and public health:

  • S.1268 Resolve creating a special commission to examine the health impacts of electromagnetic fields (Senator Karen E. Spilka).
  • S.1864 An Act relative to utilities, smart meters, and ratepayers’ rights (gives people the no-fee choice of keeping their non-radiation-emitting water, gas and electrical meters instead of “smart” utility meters; Senator Michael O. Moore).
  • S.107 An Act relative to disclosure of radiofrequency notifications (requires warning labels on radiation-emitting products; Senator Julian Cyr).
  • S.108 An Act relative to the safe use of hand-held devices by children (requires specific language on packaging as modeled by an ordinance unanimously passed in Berkeley, California; Senator Julian Cyr).
  • H.2030 An Act relative to best management practices for wireless in schools and public institutions of higher education (asks the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to set wi-fi standards for all schools; Representative Carolyn Dykema).
  • S.2079 An Act reducing non-ionizing radiation exposure in schools. (Senator Donald F. Humason, Jr.)
  • S.2080 An Act increasing medical awareness and insurance coverage of non-ionizing radiation injury and reliance upon credible independent medical research. (Senator Donald F. Humason, Jr.)
After examining the evidence of harm, in 2018 the Massachusetts Joint Committee on Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure introduced an eighth bill:
  • S.2431: Resolve relative to disclosure of radio frequency notifications

Understanding EMFs: A Website with More Information 

Please see testimony of these Bills in the videos below.

A playlist of testimony on the 2017 Bills on Children and schools can be found here

2015 Massachusetts State House Briefing organized by the Environmental Health Trust on the latest scientific evidence of human health impacts from exposure to wireless radiation, including cell phones, wireless routers, baby monitors, smart meters and other devices. The briefing includes remarks by Environmental Health Trust founder Dr. Devra Lee Davis, and Mr. Frank Clegg of Canadians for Safe Technology (C4ST).

In 2016 the following recommendations on Minimizing Exposure to RF were drafted.


Members of the Worcester School’s Standing Committee on Teaching, Learning and Student Supports  consulted with the Massachusetts Department of Epidemiology about developing wireless precautionary guidelines that include:

  • Use wired communication devices instead of wireless devices
  • Limit children’s use of cell phones except for emergencies
  • Keep cell phones and other sources at a distance
  • If using wireless devices like computers, laptops, tablets, and printers, place the wireless router away from where children and adults usually spend time.

Read these recommendations in full at this link.

Read Letters and Testimony From Experts Sent to Massachusetts

Devra Davis, Ph.D., MPH, President of Environmental Health Trust, Epidemiologist, and Nobel Peace Prize Co-Lauriate

Frank Clegg, Retired President of Microsoft Canada, CEO of Canadians for Safe Technology
Martin L. Pall, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, Washington State University

Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D., Director, Center for Family and Community Health, School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley

Cece Doucette, Ashland Parent and Technology Safety Educator


