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French government finds another smartphone emits excessive radiation

The French National Frequency Agency (ANFR) has requested the withdrawal of the EMPORIA SMART 4 ​​telephone from the French market following their radiation tests found the model's radiation violated the European Union cell phone radiation (SAR) limits.  The EMPORIA...

The Radiofrequency Interagency Work Group

  The Radiofrequency Interagency Work Group is now defunct. Footnote 40 of the NRDC brief states: “40 The RFIAWG was established in 1995 by the EPA which chaired the group. It is made up of representatives from federal agencies with a stake in RF issues. Its...

Cell Tower moved away from school and homes

Inside Towers published an article on how a Pasco County Florida parent team was successful in getting a cell tower placement that was originally slated for Starkey Ranch, their K-8 School; moved to an alternate placement that is 2,348 feet from the school and 1,400...

WHO EMF Project Systematic Reviews of Wireless RF Health Effects

In March 1993, almost 30 years ago, the WHO published the last EHC monograph on radiofrequency radiation. This was the last monograph on the issue by the WHO EMF Project.  In order to update the evaluation, the WHO EMF Project  issued a call for ten systematic reviews...
